I n d i e P o p - D r e a m P o p - S h o e g a z e - S y n t h p o p - E l e c t r o n i c

jueves, 10 de abril de 2008

Thrushes (Anna Conner)

On “Sun Come Undone”, their debut full length, Thrushes craft gorgeous noise pop and swirling dream rock. Opening with the cavernous drumming of “Aidan Quinn” into the revved-up, fuzzed out Jesus And Mary Chain-esque “Heartbeats,” and carried through the nods to Deadcan Dance in “Loyalty” and haunted claps of guitar thunder on “Ghost Train,” to the final feedback soaked fallout of “The Hardest Part,” this is the sound of blood on blood. “Sun Come Undone” was released on March 13, 2007 on Birdnote Records.Guitarist Casey Harvey had been pestering Rachel Tracy about forming a band for years. She finally relented in the summer of 2005, agreeing to play bass, and they recruited vocalist/guitarist Anna Conner during a pickup baseball game and drummer Matt Davis shortly thereafter. Having cut their teeth in the formative Baltimore all-ages indie scene of the mid-nineties, they were itching to make meaningful music again. Several practice sessions in, they realized there was real chemistry and Thrushes was born.*Ryan Sterner replaced Matt Davis on drums in September, 2007

Thrushes - Heartbeats

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